Claus on Code

A data dudes random musings about code, bugs, products, life etc.

  • region->kommune->postby

    In my daily work I often have to link something to a location in Denmark, and typically in the form of Region->Kommune->Postby. Every time I start on a new project, I always find myself goggling for a file or something I can use for that, and Always without success. So I decided to create one… Continue reading

  • Try Catch in VBA

    I’ve done a little VBA (Visual basic for applications) programming lately, and today I ran into a problem, where I wanted to make a simple try catch. The error occurred because the users put letters instead of numbers into a specified field, so I just wanted to do some simple user validation with try catch.… Continue reading

  • Setup the Membership and Roles features in ASP.NET

    There are a lot of tutorials about how to use the standard membership and role features, and the custom controls that comes with them in ASP.NET. There is however, a lack of information about how you setup and config your database and your web app, so you can use it with your standard MSSQL server.… Continue reading

  • Maximum request length exceeded

    When I was trying to deploy a report to the report server today, I got the following error message: There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. —> Maximum request length exceeded.  First I was a bit surprised, because a report project doesn’t come with a config file. I turned out,… Continue reading

  • JAOO Confrence qoutes #1

    A quote from this year JAOO conference in Århus 🙂 “Agile is like teenage sex – everyone talks about it, very few are actually doing it, and those who do usually don’t do it very well.” James Coplien Continue reading

  • Not permitted to change tables in MS SQL server 2008?

    When I started playing around with SQL server 2008, and tried to edit at table I just created,  I often got an error sounding something like this: Saving changes is not permitted.  The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created.  You have either made changes to a table that… Continue reading

  • Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The metadata for the statically linked measure group, with the name of XXX, cannot be verified against the source object

    I’ve been working a little with MS Analysis services lately. Yesterday I came across this error message: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The metadata for the statically linked measure group, with the name of XXX, cannot be verified against the source object.” The error message is self explaining. I did indeed have more than… Continue reading

  • Gridview tips

    One of the most used (and most useful) ASP.NET controls is the GridView. It can however, be quite complicated to use. You may find yourself writing hack after hack if you for instance are using a list as a datasource instead of a dataset or are trying to do something else, that just derivates a… Continue reading

  • Linked in

    After receiving approximately 1 million invitations for linked in, I finally decided to join. The last push came from Mogens, and the fact that I was in mid air between booty bay and Hillsbrad foothills in WOW, facing about 10 more minutes of flight time. The link to my profile: Please don’t hesitate to… Continue reading