Claus on Code

A data dudes random musings about code, bugs, products, life etc.

  • Viva Las Vegas(and sharepoint)

    I’m currently in Las Vegas to the sharepoint 2009 conference. I’m hoping to get some time one of the days, to describe some of the new features in sharepoint. I must admit I’m very excited, or as Steve Ballmer would say “pumped with energy”,  about the new things in sharepoint 2010 and office 2010 regarding… Continue reading

  • Yet another webpage added to the internet 🙂

    I just created a new website: In short, this is a website, that gather information about video and audio from around the web, and display it in a nice and easy way for the user. I wont say much more about it, since the webpage hopefully is self explaining 🙂 My goal with the… Continue reading

  • Sharepoint in plain english

    In search of finding a way to explain to a customer who knows nothing of sharepoint, what it is, I found this video on youtube.   It is actually a really good video, that explains the basics about sharepoint. Continue reading

  • Error: Could not get a list of SSIS packages from the project.

    When I was working with a SSIS project at a customer, I got the following error. Error: Could not get a list of SSIS packages from the project. I had CreateDeploymentUtility=true. That error description apparently indicate, that there is an error in the dtproj file. The solution: Set CreateDeploymentUtility=false, and then build the project again.… Continue reading

  • Start SQL server from the command line

    SQL server can be started and stoped from the command line like this: Start: net start mssqlserver Stop: net stop mssqlserver The same goes for Analysis Services. Start: net start “SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER)” Stop: net Stop “SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER)” Continue reading

  • Code blocks are not allowed in this file – running pages with inline code in sharepoint

    If you upload a standard page with inline code to a document library on your sharepoint installation, you will properly get the above error message. To avoid it, do the following: Open the sitecollections web.config placed somewhere around here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\XXX. Go to the tags <PageParserPaths> </PageParserPaths> And put this in between.   <PageParserPath VirtualPath=“/*“… Continue reading

  • New web page

    I just created a new web page. The site is in Danish, and it is a running site, where you can see statistics about yourself and compare yourself to other runners. You can see the site here: or here:  Since the site is in danish, and don’t cover anything technical, it don’t really… Continue reading

  • Reporting services – Slow first hit

    After reporting services have been idle for a time, the next hit on it can be extremely slow. This is, as with every other RS problem, an IIS thing. The problem is that when the IIS is not getting any traffic, it “goes to sleep”, to clear up memory for other applications. That is nice,… Continue reading

  • Derived column IF expression

    I can never remember the SSIS if syntax in the derived column control, so Just so I can remember it myself 🙂 The syntax is like this: (compare) ? true : false  So if x equals  5 and y equals 1, then this will return x (x>y)?x:y Continue reading