Yet another webpage added to the internet 🙂
I just created a new website: http://www.hugmun.org. In short, this is a website, that gather information about video and audio from around the web, and display it in a nice and easy way for the user. I wont say much more about it, since the webpage hopefully is self explaining 🙂 My goal with the… Continue reading
New web page
I just created a new web page. The site is in Danish, and it is a running site, where you can see statistics about yourself and compare yourself to other runners. You can see the site here: www.perfmon.dk or here: www.performancemonitor.dk Since the site is in danish, and don’t cover anything technical, it don’t really… Continue reading
Setup the Membership and Roles features in ASP.NET
There are a lot of tutorials about how to use the standard membership and role features, and the custom controls that comes with them in ASP.NET. There is however, a lack of information about how you setup and config your database and your web app, so you can use it with your standard MSSQL server.… Continue reading
Gridview tips
One of the most used (and most useful) ASP.NET controls is the GridView. It can however, be quite complicated to use. You may find yourself writing hack after hack if you for instance are using a list as a datasource instead of a dataset or are trying to do something else, that just derivates a… Continue reading
Removing password complexity from ASP.NET 2.0
The first thing you start with, when building an ASP.NET application, is properly to use the ASP.NET login controls. They are really easy to use, and save you a bundle of time. Unfortunately the password by default always has to be to complex. At least 7 charecters, at least 1 non alphanumeric character, etc. etc..… Continue reading
What week is it?
I noticed many people are using the weeks, as a way of describing time. I have never used weeks, so I never know where to look up what date, a week is. I have always thought that it would be easy to make a program in .NET that do the work for me, and it… Continue reading
Embed media players in your website
In the process of creating a web based media centre, I need to be able to play media in a website. It is surprisingly easy with activeX components, and much easier than using the difrent players in a window based application. If you want to use MS media player in your web site, paste in… Continue reading