What BI frontend tool in Sharepoint 2010 should I use?
In regards to my earlier link to the power pivot blog post, that compared analysis services to power pivot, and discussed when to use what, I also have to throw in a link that compares all the front end BI tools in sharepoint 2010, and discuss when to use what there. You can find a… Continue reading
SharePoint 2010 Public Beta is finally available for download – oh yeah 🙂
Try it here: http://www.microsoft.com/2010/en/ For more info and guides, read the article on the MS SharePoint Team Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/sharepoint/archive/2009/11/18/sharepoint-2010-public-beta-is-now-available-for-download.aspx Continue reading
Why I don’t think powerpivot will be a success
Just returned from the sharepoint 2009 conference, I’m really excited about all the new BI stuff. One of the things I’m really excited about is powerpivot. As you might have guessed from the title, I’m going to elaborate on why I don’t think powerpivot will be a success, in the sense I don’t think it… Continue reading
Viva Las Vegas(and sharepoint)
I’m currently in Las Vegas to the sharepoint 2009 conference. I’m hoping to get some time one of the days, to describe some of the new features in sharepoint. I must admit I’m very excited, or as Steve Ballmer would say “pumped with energy”, about the new things in sharepoint 2010 and office 2010 regarding… Continue reading
Sharepoint in plain english
In search of finding a way to explain to a customer who knows nothing of sharepoint, what it is, I found this video on youtube. It is actually a really good video, that explains the basics about sharepoint. Continue reading
Code blocks are not allowed in this file – running asp.net pages with inline code in sharepoint
If you upload a standard asp.net page with inline code to a document library on your sharepoint installation, you will properly get the above error message. To avoid it, do the following: Open the sitecollections web.config placed somewhere around here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\XXX. Go to the tags <PageParserPaths> </PageParserPaths> And put this in between. <PageParserPath VirtualPath=“/*“… Continue reading
Removing saved windows passwords
Working with sharepoint 2003, you often have to test functionality for different users. Doing so, you will have to remove the saved window password (That is, if you have accepted to save it). The idea with windows remembering user credentials is that when you are logged into windows, you shouldn’t have to remember user credentials… Continue reading