Claus on Code

A data dudes random musings about code, bugs, products, life etc.

How to create sql azure login and user

I use sql azure databases a lot. Both as backend, datamarts and also for data exchange layer with 3. parties.

For that, I need to create users fast and easy. There is no interface for doing that in SQL azure, so you have to do it with SQL.

Step 1: Connect to sql with manegement studio or sql Azure data studio with an admin account, and make sure you are connected to the master database.

Step 2: Create the login like so

   WITH PASSWORD = 'complexpassword' 

You can now see the user

Step 3: Switch to the database where you want the user to have access and run this code:

    FOR LOGIN Testuser

Step 4: Give the access you want the user to have. For instance reader:

EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', Testuser

And you can now see the new user in the database under users

The default roles you can give to the users can be found here:

And seen below:

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